Shunk's flaring temper, makes him very aggressive. He beats you with his q tip. "BIG HEADED BOY NOT NICE TO SHUNK." After taking a few blows, you roll over out of the way. "HA NOT SO SMART, ARE YOU?" Your mocking angers Shunk even more. "BIG HEADED FOOL WILL RULE DA DAY HE EVER MESSED WITH SHUNK WUGGA!" He charges at you, about to strike the final blow. At that moment, you slap his Q-tip, effectively disarming Shunk. He backs up in fear. You hit his buzzer, it blinks, declaring you the winner! "TAKE THAT ZIM-UNK!" Two guards barge in accompanied by the same guard from earlier, to escort Shunk out. Now in the audience, all you have to do is make it to your dad. You wait until he is on stage, then make your way to the front of the crowd. You try to get his attention. "Dad! Over here! I need you to sign this!" You pass him the slip, and he signs it! You make your way to the swollen eyeball meeting. Do you have your briefcase?